Membership FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join AALNA?

Individuals and organizations can join AALNA. Individual membership covers nurses, administrators, students, or retired nurses who are seeking to support AALNA.  Company membership covers all nurses and administrators in your company. You can join AALNA online by clicking on the “Join” link at the top of any AALNA page or via mail by downloading the appropriate applications.

Can my community join if the corporation doesn’t?

Yes. Individual senior living communities can join AALNA through an individual basis or through the volume membership discount if you have 20-50 nurses or administrators that would like to join AALNA.

Why should I join AALNA?

What began as a California-based gathering of AL nurses, AALNA has grown into a membership of over 3000 nurses in 50 states over the last 14 years. As an AALNA member you will have access to this nationwide network of assisted living nurses. By tapping into this network you can communicate with colleagues who are facing the same unique challenges you experience as an assisted living nurse. While the network of nurses that AALNA provides is important, this is not the only you benefit you will receive as a member. Find out more about the benefits of becoming an AALNA member by visiting

Where can I find more information about State Chapters?

You can find more information about state chapters and your state’s leader at You will be able to submit questions and concerns to your state leader, or find more information on starting a state chapter in your state.

What are the membership dues?

Individual membership is $158 per year for assisted living nurses, $178 for individuals who are not nurses, but may be involved in assisted living profession, and $83 for students and retired nurses. Corporate membership is $5,000 per year for an organization with less than 500 nurses, and $10,000 for an organization with greater than 500 nurses. Additionally, AALNA offers membership at volume discount of $100 per nurse or administrator for organizations that have more than 20 nurses or administrators.

Who should I contact if I have membership questions?

If you have membership questions, please contact AALNA’s Director of Membership, Deb Choma, at email.