Supporting Partnerships

Corporate Membership

Corporate membership is appropriate for any company that owns, manages, or operates an assisted living community. A corporate membership is ideal for companies seeking to provide their nurses and administrators with resource that will assist in the improvement of an effective nursing practice in assisted living.

Corporate members receive:
  • Member status for all nurses in your organization
  • A certificate of membership for your entire organization
  • Logo on AALNA home page
  • Free exhibit table at the AALNA National Conference
  • Access to state chapter events
  • Extension of AALNA National Conference registration discount
  • Discount rate for posting job openings on the Career Center
  • A discount on AALNA official journal (GNJ) – Price: $40 GNJ Order Form

Tier Level 1 > 5000 nurses – $20,000 annually
Tier Level 2 > 2000 nurses – $15,000 annually
Tier Level 3 > 500 – $10,000 annually
Tier Level 4 < 500 – $5,000 annually

Allied, Platinum, Palladium or Platinum Plus Membership

Allied or Platinum membership is appropriate for any company, corporation, proprietary, or nonprofit that has an interest in supporting nurses in assisted living, but does not own, operate, or manage an assisted living community. Allied or Platinum membership is ideal for companies seeking to market products and services to assisted living nurses, gain exposure and recognition as a company that is committed to serving assisted living nurses, keep informed on industry needs, and maximize visibility through advertising and sponsorship.

Benefits for Allied Members:
  • Certificate of membership for your organization
  • 10% discount on conference fees
  • Logo on secondary home page
  • Access to state chapter events

Cost: $2,500 annually

Benefits for Platinum Members:
  • Certificate of membership for your organization
  • Logo on homepage at
  • FREE Ad eblast
  • Free exhibit table at conference
  • Member e-mail list
  • Access to state chapter events

Cost: $5,000 annually

Benefits for Palladium Members:
  • Certificate of membership for your organization
  • Logo on homepage at
  • Prominent signage at conference
  • Acknowledgment at conference & on
  • Free exhibit table at conference
  • 50% discount on additional conference sponsorship
  • 3 Conference attendees
  • Member e-mail list
  • Access to state chapter events
  • One month of AALNA podcast sponsor FREE

Cost: $10,000 annually (2 yr commitment)

Benefits for Platinum Plus Members (two years exclusive)
  • Acknowledge in program and marketing materials
  • Prominent signage at conference
  • Acknowledgment at conference and on
  • Up to 5 conference attendees
  • Platinum sponsor ribbons for attendees
  • Six-foot draped display table

Cost: $25,000 annually


Allied Membership – $2,500 annually
Platinum Members – $5,000 annually
Palladium Members – $10,000 annually (2 yr commitment)
Platinum Plus Members- $25,000 annually (2 yr exclusive)

To join AALNA as a corporate member or allied/platinum member,

Allied Sponsors