by LuAnne Leistner MS, RN
“Tis the Season to be Jolly!” How many times have each of us heard this familiar phrase during the holiday season? It is refreshing to hear and certainly brings a smile to my face each time. Living and enjoying each moment in the present is experiencing life but consider this also as a “Season for Reflection and Giving Back”. A time for reflecting, looking back, being grateful, and appreciating all that life has to offer. How many times have our residents shared with us… their past…their children, their life experiences, their joys, their heartbreaks, and their successes? Our residents share their wisdom of living with us. On a personal level and at some point, each of us reflect back on what is precious in our own lives, what is irreplaceable, and what really matters in life. Reflection is a truly human experience and an important part of life’s “reflective” journey. What do you think about when you reflect? Do you think about things, places, people, or relationships? Relationships with our residents, families, colleagues, and co-workers are just some of the relationships that I am thankful for this past year. Being a new member to the AALNA Board is something that I am thankful for and meeting the passionate men and women on the Board has been a joy in my life. I love being a NURSE!
In reflecting back on this year, I have been reading a great book titled: The Four Things That Matter Most: A Book About Living by Ira Byock M.D. This book was given to me by a friend and nurse colleague, Anne Chance, and it has been all inspiring to me. Dr. Byock talks about the four simple statements that can be powerful, inspirational, and transformational in your life and in your relationships. Those four simple statements being:
- Please Forgive Me
- I Forgive You
- Thank You
- I Love You
How many times have we held back on saying these healing statements and have thus lost out on that moment/opportunity to drawer closer to those that need forgiveness or love? These words carry enormous power but also consider the mixture of words and actions. During this season of reflection, what action will you take to show forgiveness, thanks, and above all Love. Each of us has the privilege, past – present, and future – to serve Assisted Living residents, families, and each other. How will you give back and show your gratefulness for those in your life during this most precious time of the year? Most importantly, why not do it each and every day! The uses of these 4 statements above are action words that can heal and help us to experience the things in life that really matter.