COVID-19 Updates


‘COVID Calculus’ Is Changing Medicine

‘You Are the Heroes,’ Comedians Tell Clinicians

Maternal Mortality: A US Public Health Crisis

One Pill Won’t Do It: Treating Chronic Pain

‘We’re Going to Make It Through This,’ Stanford Dean Says

Editor’s Note

Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape’sĀ Coronavirus Resource Center.


Featured News This Week

Lessons From the HIV Epidemic for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Medscape Medical News

COVID-19 Practical Tips: US Docs Share Clinical Strategies

Medscape Medical News

WHO: Reports of Recovered COVID-19 Patients Testing Positive Again

Reuters Health Information

Presymptomatic or Asymptomatic? ID Experts on Shifting Terminology

Medscape Medical News


Key Articles This Week

Crisis Counseling, Not Therapy, Is What’s Needed in COVID-19

Columbia University Psychiatry

Who Gets a Ventilator? Rationing Aid in COVID-19

Medscape Business of Medicine

Hydroxychloroquine Study Did Not Meet ‘Expected Standard’

Medscape Infectious Diseases

Keeping Kids Mentally Healthy During a Pandemic

CHOP Expert Commentary

Toilets May Pose Risk for Spreading COVID-19

Medscape Gastroenterology

Journal Articles
Comprehensive Profiling of Zika Virus Risk, United States

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Low-carb Diet: Forget Restriction, Replace With Balance!

European Heart Journal

Home Contingency Management to Improve Alcohol Abstinence

Alcohol and Alcoholism