COVID-19 Updates

LTC Liability Letter – Democratic Leaders

LTC Liability Letter – Democratic Leaders We, the undersigned organizations write on behalf of the millions of men and women and the facilities on the frontlines of the national fight against COVID-19. Together, we represent more than 12 millionAmericans and their front line caretakers across 65,000 long-term care facilities, including doctors, medical directors, nurses, home health, hospice … [Read more]

Pennsylvania COVID-19 Updates – May 20 2020

DPW Facility Testing Strategy Deadline for required Surevy Completion May 26, 2020 DHS Providers: Please find attached the letter from the Secretary of Health, regarding the testing strategy for licensed residential programs.  In the attached letter there is a link to a LTCF testing survey that we are asking each licensed residential program to complete … [Read more]

NCAL – COVID-19 Updates, May 20, 2020

Heroes Package passes the House, AHCA/NCAL & CMS Recommend That Long Term Care Facilities Have Two Specially Trained Infection Preventionists H.R. 6800, The HEROES Act Passes the House On Friday, May 15th, the United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 6800, The HEROES Act, another piece of legislation aimed at addressing the effects of the … [Read more]

Medpage COVID-19 Updates – May 20 2020

COVID-19 Updates- reopening long term care sites, keeping sane, etc. COVID-19 Update: Shoddy Tests in Fla.; FDA Eases HCQ Warning? Home Violence Spikes in Dallas Remdesivir Safety Forecast: Watch the Liver, Kidneys CMS Gives Guidance on Unlocking Nursing Homes On the Other Side of the Curve: NYC Clinicians Catch Their Breath COVID-19 & Undocumented Immigrants … [Read more]

CMS COVID-19 Updates – May 20 2020

CMS Guidance for reopening LTC centers NEWS ALERT May 20, 2020 As part of the ongoing White House Task Force efforts taken in response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), following is a summary of recent Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) actions. To keep up with the important Task Force work being done in … [Read more]