COVID-19 Updates

A Thank You Message from Governor Tom Wolf to Direct Care Workers

A Thank You Message from Governor Tom Wolf to Direct Care Workers Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has released the video message below to give thanks to Pennsylvania’s Direct Support Professionals, Direct Care Workers, and Personal Care Assistants who support some of our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians every day. Thank you for everything you do! Streaming link … [Read more]

PESI HEALTHCARE WEBINARS Taking Care of Yourself During the COVID-19 CRISIS

PESI HEALTHCARE WEBINARS Taking Care of Yourself During the COVID-19 CRISIS COVID-19 has put a strain on everything… as a healthcare provider, you are put on the frontlines of the pandemic, and have ultimately sacrificed your emotional and physical health. It’s taking a personal toll. In celebration of Nurses Day and to thank you for … [Read more]

Medscape COVID-19 Updates – MAY 7, 2020

TOP STORIES YOU NEED TO KNOW TODAY  Whistleblower Says Top US Official Downplayed Coronavirus Threat Volunteer Physicians Procure PPE, Build Largest Platform COVID-19: Why We Can’t Test Our Way Out of This Alcohol Abuse Agitated by COVID-19 Stirring Liver Concerns Should We Tone Down Social Distancing to Help the US Economy? France’s Early COVID-19 Case … [Read more]