DPW Notification of COVID-19 Test Results to Patients
ALERT: Notification of COVID-19 Test Results to Patients
The guidance below was recently shared on the DOH website and is being shared here for your convenience. The Office of Long-Term Living is asking that you review and share the guidance as appropriate. Please continue to check the DOH COVID-19 website for the most up-to-date DOH guidance on COVID-19, and the Department of Human Services (DHS) COVID-19 website for the most up-to-date DHS guidance on COVID-19.
ALERT: Notification of COVID-19 Test Results to Patients https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/HAN/2020-PAHAN-493-04-06-ALT-Notificatio.pdf
COVID-19 Patient Instructions for Self-Isolation While Awaiting Laboratory Results https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/HAN/COVID-19%20Patient%20Instructions%20for%20Self%20Isolation.pdf
COVID-19 Close Contact Check List https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/HAN/COVID%20Close%20Contact%20Checklist.pdf
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