COVID-19 Updates

1. Don’t intubate too soon, NYC physician warns Full story

2. HHS to secure 35K+ ventilators by June 1; governors create joint reopening plans — 5 COVID-19 updates Full story

3. Policies at Pennsylvania hospitals endangered patients, staff, whistleblowers say Full story

4. A 13-hospital health system recovered $6.5M in uncollected revenue in 25 months. Click here to learn how.

5. Allscripts shares data on COVID-19 hospitalizations: 5 things to know Full story

6. 8 medical schools allowing early graduation to boost COVID-19 workforce Full story

7. Without proactive risk management, inferior IT devices can interfere with critical healthcare equipment and processes. Learn more

8. 2 Intermountain clinical teams to assist New York City hospitals Full story

9. 4 reasons COVID-19 disproportionately affects black communities Full story

10. Beaumont Health offers blood antibody testing to 38,000 employees Full story

11. Do your digital tools improve patient care? Click here to see to improve HIT usability.

12. Loss of smell, taste symptoms of COVID-19, study shows Full story

13. COVID-19 tests performed, state by state Full story