COVID-19 Updates

CONNETICS COVID-19 Updates – May 18 2020

Are You In Need of PPE- another potential source AALNA Is providing this information as a courtesy to our members in desperate need of PPE. AALNA does not endorse the vendors here present or recommend the use of their products. This is an attempt to provide our members with a lead to a supply chain … [Read more]

Maine Healthcare Association COVID-19 Updates – May 18 2020

Maine Health Care Association Presents Hot Topics Webinar Series Pioneer Network is pleased to partner with the Maine Alliance for Resident Centered Care to provide your organization an opportunity to participate in the Pioneer Network 2020 Hot Topics Webinar series. What you need to do? ·       Check out the webinars – click on the title for … [Read more]

Relias COVID-19 Update May, 18 2020

Join Us for Our Upcoming Webinars on COVID-19 Relias is offering a free webinar series to help healthcare professionals and individuals understand, prepare for, and prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Sign up below. Staffing, Stress, and Surviving the Day-to-Day Challenges of a Pandemic Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Time: 3:00 p.m. ET Duration: 1 hour … [Read more]

Medpage COVID-19 Updates – May 18 2020

Promising Vaccine Information and other COVID-19 Updates   COVID-19 Update: Promising Vax Data; From Morgue to Food Hauling; Sailors’ Reactivated Virus? Stay-at-Home Orders Tied to Slower Rate of COVID-19 Cases COVID-19 Pulmonary Embolism Often Seen Outside the ICU Why Do Countries’ COVID-19 Death Rates Vary So Much? Ethics Consult: Recommend COVID Trial? MD/JD Bangs Gavel … [Read more]

Beckers COVID-19 Updates May 18, 2020

Positive COVID-19 test results down, SILOS of CAre no longer work, etc. 1. New York hospital faced ‘apocalyptic’ conditions while others had thousands of free beds Full story 2. WHO funding up in air; COVID-19 testing is rising — 5 national updates Full story 3. ‘It was a lapse in judgment’: Advocate Aurora nurse expresses regret over Wisconsin … [Read more]