COVID-19 Updates

Medscape COVID-19 Updates – MAY 14, 2020

COVID-19 UPDATES- Plandemic Comments, Recovery Army, etc. We want to know what’s happening on the ground in the COVID-19 battle. Send HIPAA-compliant pictures of your hospital or institution to us via email.     Point-by-Point ‘Plandemic’ Smackdown COVID Leadership: Trump vs Cuomo Enlisting in the COVID-19 Recovery Army What COVID-19 Cost Me   Recommended For … [Read more]

Work Force Reentry and other COVID-19 webinars, etc.

Survey: Voters Strongly Support More Funding for Long Term Care According to a new national survey, a vast majority of U.S. voters believe long term care facilities, including nursing homes and assisted living communities, need more support from the government and the lack of support thus far has negatively impacted their ability to protect seniors. … [Read more]

Medicare COVID-19 Updates – March 13 2020

Cardio-COVID’: Amal Mattu on Matters of the Heart Dr Mattu discusses how to approach the treatment of cardiac complications in patients with COVID-19. Read Now MORE FROM MEDSCAPE ‘Stronger’ Evidence of Myocardial Injury in COVID-19 COVID-19 Linked to Multiple Cardiovascular Presentations Evidence Builds Linking Anticoagulation to COVID-19 Survival Troponins Touted as ‘Ally’ in COVID-19 Triage, … [Read more]

Pennsylvania COVID-19 Updates – May 12 2020

BHSL is providing the following updates to remind you of available changes BHSL has implemented and resources that are available related to COVID-19 Dear Personal Care Home and Assisted Living Residence Providers, BHSL is providing the following updates to remind you of available changes BHSL has implemented and resources that are available related to COVID-19. … [Read more]