COVID-19 Updates


Join Us for Our Upcoming Webinars on COVID-19 Relias is offering a free webinar series to help healthcare professionals and individuals understand, prepare for, and prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Sign up below. Complicated Grief and Loss: Uncharted Territory With COVID-19 Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Time: 2:00 p.m. ET Duration: 1 hour This pandemic … [Read more]

AMDA- Weekly wrap up and COVID-19 updates

COVID Pandemic Adds Urgency to Flu Study “This pandemic has opened some eyes to respiratory viral illness and has led to some re-education about influenza. Many experts of late are stressing a greater need than ever for people of all ages to get a flu vaccine,” says Ed Davidson, PharmD, MPH, partner at Insight Therapeutics … [Read more]

COVID-19 Updates- Remdesivir, Continued Anticoagulation

COVID-19 Updates- Remdesivir, Continued Anticoagulation therapy recommended post discharge Weekly Review COVID-19 No Worse Than the Flu? Hardly   Will Life and Medicine Go Back to Normal After COVID-19?   Gilead Boasts Win for Remdesivir in U.S. COVID-19 Trial   CME SPOTLIGHT Clostridioides Difficile in Long-Term Care Facilities: Insights for Effective Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention … [Read more]

CMS loosens more regs: 12 notes | CDC drafts reopening guidelines

CMS loosens more regs: 12 notes | CDC drafts reopening guidelines 1. CMS loosens more regulations; CDC drafts reopening guidelines + 3 other COVID-19 updates  Full story 2. 12 notes: CMS’ 2nd round of sweeping regulatory changes in response to COVID-19  Full story 3. Community access support, outpatient management during COVID-19 4. ‘Free’ COVID-19 tests may come with a catch  Full story

CMS Issues Interim Final Rule for SNFs and COVID-19 Reporting

CMS Issues Interim Final Rule for SNFs and COVID-19 Reporting The new rule revises a previous regulation establishing explicit reporting requirements for LTC facilities to report information related to COVID-19 cases among residents and staff. Read more here.