COVID-19 Updates

Interim Guidance for Meat and Poultry Processing Workers and Employers

Interim Guidance for Meat and Poultry Processing Workers and Employers This message includes updates on the COVID-19 response from CDC. The COVID-19 Outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated on the COVID-19 Situation Summary as it becomes available. Meat and poultry processing facilities are a component of the critical infrastructure within the Food and Agriculture … [Read more]

NJDOH – CDRSS Quick-Start Training Option (for COVID-19 Responders)

NJDOH – CDRSS Quick-Start Training Option (for COVID-19 Responders) Please see the below important information related to COVID-19 response. J. David Weidner, MPH, REHS, MEP, CEM, CHEP Director, Emergency Management

Becker’s Clinical Leadership & Infection Control – 10 Must Reads

Becker’s Clinical Leadership & Infection Control – 10 Must Reads 1. CDC adds 6 symptoms; young COVID-19 patients dying from strokes — 8 updates Full story 2. Bonuses paid out to Denver Health execs 1 week after front-line workers asked to take unpaid leave Full story 3. Michigan nurse was terminated for HIPAA violation, Mercy Health says Full story 4. … [Read more]

Ponchos and Plexiglas? COVID-19 ‘MacGyver’ Clinical Tips and more updates

Ponchos and Plexiglas? COVID-19 ‘MacGyver’ Clinical Tips and more updates TOP STORIES YOU NEED TO KNOW TODAY Ponchos and Plexiglas? COVID-19 ‘MacGyver’ Clinical Tips ‘Hospital at Home’ May Boost COVID-19 Inpatient Capacity COVID-19 Linked to Large Vessel Stroke in Young Adults Large Study of COVID-19 NYC Hospital Cases Shows High Mortality COVID-19 Decimates Outpatient Visits … [Read more]